Wednesday 8 June 2011


Whenever I miss u all...
I just go through all our Pics,
which makes me smile...
the smile that grows up on my cheeks,
for I have lived those-
moments like no other
to the fullest and with content..
that we all spent together!! 


Strange Friend!!

I knew you quite some then...
and I know you quite some more now!

Fills my heart with pride and worry,
To feel what i feel today.
When I know you are the same old friend 
But only now you are very new to say.

U seemed somewhat different always
U seemed a bit away,
I always knew there's this new side of you, 
That will surely visit in some more days.

I feel pride so will..
let u know why?
I have wondered you to be this way..
So exactly you have comeby! 

I feel worry to think of you...
To see you loned walking.
You would not deny ur loving nature
But rest will deny YOU for faking.

As for me i'll always be there..
For you my lovely friend.
And would surely let my journey..
To this knowledge... never end.

I knew you quite some then...
and I know you quite some more now!!



I love those dreams,
those dreams gone by...
infinite lights,
those scorching sights...

Many, they were and yet so strong,
I was little and very young.
they won the battle and so I lost,
But I won so many thoughts..

They took me there,in the land of dreams.
They thrashed me with-so many streams.
Streams of clustered and entangled emotions
Beaming flashes of Success and achievements.

Success-not to attain Gold and Silver-
but to succeed in my faiths and views,
Achievements-not to suppress the fellow man-
but to look upon all with equal virtues!

They all seem so beautiful now
when i see them-
oh-when i see them..
through my darkest eyes.

Wonder..will I ever recall them!!
